I really like this blogging thing. I love being able to write my thoughts and expressions down.
This week was kind of rough though because I wasn't sure what I was going to write about. I have about 7 drafts saved of random ideas. I have sat in front of my computer staring at the screen that says "add an engaging title". I was thinking about what title I could add that would attract people to read my blog.
Sure, an engaging title might spark an interest in someone to read this. Of course, but it got me thinking about life today, and just the world we live in. It seems that society is constantly nagging us to be great, and telling us that if our Instagram picture doesn't have the right filter and so many likes- then we suck. Okay well sorry I am not in tune with what filter is "correct" or trendy, and how to even apply highlighter, actually- is that how you spell highlighter? Honestly.
But really, none of that matters. If you can apply highlighter, great. If you can't, great. If you have awesome apps that have cool filters, sweet. If not, who cares. Seriously, It doesn't matter what "title" you give out if the words in your story don't have a meaningful message. I guess what I am trying to say here is that people should like you for you, for your heart and your thoughts.
We have the opportunity each day to become who we want to be, so do it. Just do it. Reinvent yourself. Build yourself up.. love yourself, appreciate yourself. Take yourself on dates. Be your biggest supporter and biggest fan, and spread love to the rest of the world.
Engaging title or not- be you, and make your story awesome. Whatever awesome means to you.